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samedi 30 janvier 2016

Pictures Gaza's way of the ninja

مشاركة وتعليق رجاء

A Palestinian youth blows fire as he demonstrates his ninja-style skills for a photographer in front of the ruins of a building, that was destroyed in the 2014 war, in the northern Gaza Strip January 29, 2016. The youths, who have been receiving martial arts training at local clubs in Gaza for the past two years, decided to form a team to hold regular shows in the hope that the publicity generated will eventually lead to them being invited to participate in international contests. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem


صممت بواسطة :

شاعر وكاتب جزائري هاوي، مهووس بعالم التصميم والتكنولوجيا، حياتي اليومية تعتمد على الأنثرنت.

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