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samedi 30 janvier 2016

Pictures Volcanic Hazards

مشاركة وتعليق رجاء


Volcanoes can be exciting and fascinating, but also very dangerous. Any kind of volcano is capable of creating harmful or deadly phenomena, whether during an eruption or a period of quiescence. Understanding what a volcano can do is the first step in mitigating volcanic hazards, but it is important to remember that even if scientists have studied a volcano for decades, they do not necessarily know everything it is capable of. Volcanoes are natural systems, and always have some element of unpredictability. 

Volcanologists are always working to understand how volcanic hazards behave, and what can be done to avoid them. Here are a few of the more common hazards, and some of the ways that they are formed and behave. (Please note that this is intended as a source of basic information only, and should not be treated as a survival guide by those who live near a volcano. Always listen to the warnings and information issued by your local volcanologists and civil authorities.) 


صممت بواسطة :

شاعر وكاتب جزائري هاوي، مهووس بعالم التصميم والتكنولوجيا، حياتي اليومية تعتمد على الأنثرنت.

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